地球故障继电器是一种继电器,可以感知相位和地球之间的故障。地球故障继电器的主要功能是在地球上操作泄漏电流。此继电器可以检测到地球的故障,因此我们可以说RCCB执行相同的功能。地球故障继电器是一种先进的设备,RCCB用于防止电击,因此它可以提供人类保护,但EFR不用于人类保护,用于保护设备。EFR处理高电压和高电流相关保护,接地故障继电器用于配送面板,变压器,变电站等。EFR和RCCB之间的主要区别是RCCB,是一种保护装置,CT,跳闸机构等。But the EFR is a sensing device its input is given by an external CT and it’s out will be given to any breaker such as contact breaker and then this device will do the tripping mechanism. So an EFR is a monitoring device that needs a CT to give the input and its output is given to a breaker.

EFR的工作与RCCB相似,根据Kirchoff的法律,该法律说,到目前为止的目前必须等于从该点回来的当前。但在地球故障的情况下,当前值将非常不同,并确定使用EFR的故障。So the fault can be detected by EFR, CT will help to determine the fault CT will be connected to an EFR so if the current that sent and received is same then there won’t be any induced EMF in CT if not then an EMF will be induced in CT and this output of the EMF will be sent to relay. We can see certain parameters in EFR such as IS which is sensing current then IHS which is high sensing current and also we can see a delay so we can set all these values in an EFR with the help of a dipswitch. So when the EFR senses any fault then the trip light will be ON, after clearing the fault we need to reset the EFR. Certain models of EFR provide earth fault protection and overcurrent protection and sometimes EFR won’t have an inbuilt CT so we must connect a CT to the ERF separately.